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idstringIdentifier of the access key.
corsHeadersarrayAn array of domains for which the access key is valid. Whether Sumo Logic accepts or rejects an API request depends on whether it contains an ORIGIN header and the entries in the allowlist. Sumo Logic will reject:
1. Requests with an ORIGIN header but the allowlist is empty.
2. Requests with an ORIGIN header that don't match any entry in the allowlist.
createdAtstringCreation timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
createdBystringIdentifier of the user who created the access key.
disabledbooleanIndicates whether the access key is disabled or not.
labelstringThe name of the access key.
lastUsedstringLast used timestamp in UTC. <br> Note: Property not in use, it is part of an upcoming feature.
modifiedAtstringLast modification timestamp in UTC.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
listAccessKeysSELECTregionList all access keys in your account.
createAccessKeyINSERTdata__label, regionCreates a new access ID and key pair. The new access key can be used from the domains specified in corsHeaders field. Whether Sumo Logic accepts or rejects an API request depends on whether it contains an ORIGIN header and the entries in the allowlist. Sumo Logic will reject:
1. Requests with an ORIGIN header but the allowlist is empty.
2. Requests with an ORIGIN header that don't match any entry in the allowlist.
deleteAccessKeyDELETEid, regionDeletes the access key with the given accessId.
updateAccessKeyEXECid, data__disabled, regionUpdates the properties of existing accessKey by accessId. It can be used to enable or disable the access key and to update the corsHeaders list.