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idstringThe unique identifier of the data forwarding destination.
descriptionstringDescription of the S3 data forwarding destination.
accessKeyIdstringThe AWS Access ID to access the S3 bucket.
authenticationModestringAWS IAM authentication method used for access. Possible values are: 1. AccessKey 2. RoleBased
bucketNamestringThe name of the Amazon S3 bucket.
createdAtstringCreation timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
createdBystringIdentifier of the user who created the resource.
destinationNamestringName of the S3 data forwarding destination.
enabledbooleanTrue if the destination is Active.
encryptedbooleanEnable S3 server-side encryption.
invalidatedBySystembooleanTrue if invalidated by the system.
modifiedAtstringLast modification timestamp in UTC.
modifiedBystringIdentifier of the user who last modified the resource.
regionstringThe region where the S3 bucket is located.
roleArnstringThe AWS Role ARN to access the S3 bucket.
secretAccessKeystringThe AWS Secret Key to access the S3 bucket.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getDataForwardingBucketsSELECTregionGet a list of all Amazon S3 data forwarding destinations.
getDataForwardingDestinationSELECTid, regionGet an S3 data forwarding destination by the given identifier.
createDataForwardingBucketINSERTregionCreate a new Amazon S3 data forwarding destination.
deleteDataForwardingBucketDELETEid, regionDelete an existing Amazon S3 data forwarding destination with the given identifier.
UpdateDataForwardingBucketEXECid, data__authenticationMode, regionUpdate an S3 data forwarding destination by the given identifier.