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idstringUnique identifier for the field extraction rule.
namestringName of the field extraction rule. Use a name that makes it easy to identify the rule.
scopestringScope of the field extraction rule. This could be a sourceCategory, sourceHost, or any other metadata that describes the data you want to extract from. Think of the Scope as the first portion of an ad hoc search, before the first pipe ( | ). You'll use the Scope to run a search against the rule.
modifiedAtstringLast modification timestamp in UTC.
enabledbooleanIs the field extraction rule enabled.
modifiedBystringIdentifier of the user who last modified the resource.
createdAtstringCreation timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
createdBystringIdentifier of the user who created the resource.
parseExpressionstringDescribes the fields to be parsed.
fieldNamesarrayList of extracted fields from "parseExpression".


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getExtractionRuleSELECTid, regionGet a field extraction rule with the given identifier.
listExtractionRulesSELECTregionGet a list of all field extraction rules. The response is paginated with a default limit of 100 field extraction rules per page.
createExtractionRuleINSERTregionCreate a new field extraction rule.
deleteExtractionRuleDELETEid, regionDelete a field extraction rule with the given identifier.
updateExtractionRuleEXECid, regionUpdate an existing field extraction rule. All properties specified in the request are replaced. Missing properties are set to their default values.