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idstringIdentifier for the scheduled view.
createdAtstringCreation timestamp in UTC.
createdBystringIdentifier of the user who created the scheduled view.
createdByOptimizeItbooleanIf the scheduled view is created by OptimizeIt.
dataForwardingIdstringAn optional ID of a data forwarding configuration to be used by the scheduled view.
errorstringErrors related to the scheduled view.
filledRangesarrayList of the different units of filled ranges since the autoview has been created.
indexIdstringThe id of the Index where the output from Scheduled view is stored.
indexNamestringName of the index for the scheduled view.
modifiedAtstringLast modification timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
modifiedBystringIdentifier of the user who last modified the resource.
newRetentionPeriodintegerIf the retention period is scheduled to be updated in the future (i.e., if retention period is previously reduced with value of reduceRetentionPeriodImmediately as false), this property gives the future value of retention period while retentionPeriod gives the current value. retentionPeriod will take up the value of newRetentionPeriod after the scheduled time.
parsingModestringDefine the parsing mode to scan the JSON format log messages. Possible values are:
1. AutoParse
2. Manual
In AutoParse mode, the system automatically figures out fields to parse based on the search query. While in the Manual mode, no fields are parsed out automatically. For more information see Dynamic Parsing.
querystringThe query that defines the data to be included in the scheduled view.
retentionEffectiveAtstringWhen the newRetentionPeriod will become effective in UTC format.
retentionPeriodintegerThe number of days to retain data in the scheduled view, or -1 to use the default value for your account. Only relevant if your account has multi-retention enabled.
startTimestringStart timestamp in UTC in RFC3339 format.
statusstringStatus of the scheduled view.
totalBytesintegerTotal storage consumed by the scheduled view.
totalMessageCountintegerTotal number of messages for the scheduled view.


NameAccessible byRequired ParamsDescription
getScheduledViewSELECTid, regionGet a scheduled view with the given identifier.
listScheduledViewsSELECTregionGet a list of all scheduled views in the organization. The response is paginated with a default limit of 100 scheduled views per page.
createScheduledViewINSERTdata__indexName, data__query, data__startTime, regionCreates a new scheduled view in the organization.
updateScheduledViewEXECid, regionUpdate an existing scheduled view.